Página inicial > Palavras-chave > Termos gregos > aisthesis / αἲσθησις / aisthema / aisthanesthai / ἀίσθάνεσθαι / aistheton / (…)

aisthesis / αἲσθησις / aisthema / aisthanesthai / ἀίσθάνεσθαι / aistheton / ἀἴσθητόν / synaisthema / συναίσθημα / αίσθημα / aisthesis koine / αἴσθησις κοινή / aísthesis koiné / κοινή αἴσθησις

ἀίσθάνεσθαι: perceiving; ἀἲσθησις: sense perception; ἀἴσθητόν: perceived thing

Αἲσθησις [perception] is the manner of existing of something living in its world. The manners of perceiving things are characterized by Aristotle   by means of the sort of thing perceived, what is accessible in the perceiving. There are three sorts [Aristotle, De anima (Biehl, Apelt), Beta 6, 418a8] of αἴσθητά: 1. ἴδια, 2. κοινά, 3. συμβεβηκότα [things perceived: 1. special, 2. common, 3. incidentally at hand]. [GA17  ]

αἴσθησις (ἡ): GA2   GA3   GA5   GA6T1   GA12   GA15   GA17 GA18   GA19   GA21   GA22   GA23   GA24   GA25   GA26   GA27   GA29-30   GA31   GA33   GA34   GA36-37   GA41   GA43   GA53   GA54   GA62   GA71   GA75   GA81   GA85   GA86   GA89  

αισθητικός, ἡ, ὄν: GA6T1 GA18 GA22 GA33 GA43 GA62

αισθητός, ἡ/ός, ὄν: GA5 GA7   GA8   GA12 GA17 GA18 GA19 GA21 GA22 GA23 GA33 GA34 GA53 GA62 GA76   GA78   GA87   GA88   GA90