Página inicial > Palavras-chave > Temas > unheimlich / Unheimlichkeit

unheimlich / Unheimlichkeit

Unheimlichkeit / étrang(èr)eté / estranhamento / extrañamiento / eeriness / inhospitalidad / uncanniness / unheimlich / étrange / étranger / estranho / uncanny

Um estado de não estar em casa. É a ameaça genuína que a existência está submetida. Demonstra-se na cotidianidade da existência. Nada tem a ver com solidão.

In Being and Time  , Heidegger describes how anxiety individualizes being-there and makes it feel uneasy. Uncanniness is the fundamental mood in which the self experiences the unfamiliarity of its being-in-the-world. When being-there evades this sense of uncanniness, it really flees from its own being-toward-death. Because uncanniness frees being-there from its fallenness into the they and the world, it opens up the silent nothing in which being-there may hear the call of conscience.

Uncanniness is closely related to being-there’s finitude, mortality, and the nothingness at the heart of its existence. Only human beings can experience the uncanniness of their being-in-the-world. (HDHP  )