Página inicial > Palavras-chave > Temas > Geviert / quadriparti / Himmel und Erde / Sterblichen und Göttlichen

Geviert / quadriparti / Himmel und Erde / Sterblichen und Göttlichen

Geviert / quadratura / quadriparti / cuaternidad / Himmel und Erde, Sterblichen und Göttlichen / Céu e Terra, Mortais e Deuses

The fourfold is the nexus of four mutually adapting and reciprocally sustaining dimensions - the earth, the sky, mortals, and the divinities (die Göttlichen - more literally, “the god-like ones”). When the four dimensions are well adapted to each other, so that they are joined or “married” or integrated into a simple “onefold,” the fourfold is the worlding of a world: out of the fourfold, the onefold of the four is married. We call the adapting mirror-play of the onefold of earth and sky, divinities and morals, “the world.” The world essences by worlding. (GA7  :181) [WRATHALL  , Mark A.. The Cambridge Heidegger Lexicon. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021, p. 335]