Heidegger, fenomenologia, hermenêutica, existência

Dasein descerra sua estrutura fundamental, ser-em-o-mundo, como uma clareira do AÍ, EM QUE coisas e outros comparecem, COM QUE são compreendidos, DE QUE são constituidos.

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Buren (GA63:nota 62) – Vorhandenheit - Vorschein

segunda-feira 29 de maio de 2023

“Availability in advance” and “advance appearance” have been used respectively for Vorhandenheit   and Vorschein  . As is made clear by the hyphenation of Vorschein in the present sentence and by the subsequent use of both terms, Heidegger exploits the literal meaning of their prefix vor (“fore,” “in advance”) in order to make the point that the disclosedness and being-interpreted of “ready-to-hand” things in the “environing world” (i.e., “availability”) and that of others in the “with-world” (i.e., “appearance”) always go in advance of the concrete dealings of concern (Besorgen  ) and guide them. Thus in the present chapter and in §§6 and 18, he states that this advance interpretive disclosedness of the world is that “wherefrom, out of which, and on the basis of which” (woraus) concern lives “for a while at the particular time.” In connection with his theme of the dynamic intentional  -directional sense of the interpretation   of the be-ing of facticity (see endnote 3) as well as that of “tactical spatiality” in §§18 and 26 (see endnote 75), he more fully defines the world’s advance disclosedness as the “whereto” or “toward-which” (Worauf  ) of Dasein  ’s “being-out-for and going-toward,” the “there” of Dasein’s “being-there (for a while at the particular time),” the “open space of its publicness,” the “wherein” (Worin) of its “be-ing in a world” and its “sojourning” and “whiling,” the “about-which” (worum) of its “caring about” (Sorgen um), the “around” or “round-about” (Um) of its “going around,” and as such the advance “wherefrom, out-of-which, and on-the-basis-of-which’ (Woraus) of its concern living “from out of” it. Accordingly, in the present section and in §23 he uses the expressions Sorgensvorhabe (“forehaving of caring”), begegnenlassendes . . . Offensein   . . . für Erschlossenheit (“a being-open . . . for disclosedness . . . which lets something be encountered”), Vor-sorge (“fore-care”), and Vor-begegnen   (“being-encountered-in-advance”) to signal a theme explained more fully in the concluding section, i.e., that it is care as a “forehaving,” “fore-care,” or “being-open” which in advance discloses the there of the world’s disclosedness by “be-ing in” it, “putting it in place” (Herstellen  ), “temporalizing” it, “going around” in it, “actualizing” it in the concrete dealings of concern, and “letting it be encountered” in these dealings. As Heidegger explains, care in fact “becomes absorbed” (geht auf  ) in the world’s advance disclosedness, “falls away” (fällt ab) from itself into it, and winds up “being-encountered-in-advance” in terms of it as a worldly “one-self” (man selbst  ), i.e., as a “self” which is statically defined both in terms of the “availability in advance” of things ready-to-hand in the environing world and in terms of the “advance appearance” of the “everyone” (Man) in the with-world, and which accordingly becomes an object of “anxious concern and its (worldly) apprehensions” (Besorgnis).

Ver online : John van Buren