Página inicial > Palavras-chave > Temas > öffentlich / Öffentlichkeit / Oeffentlichkeit

öffentlich / Öffentlichkeit / Oeffentlichkeit

öffentlich / public / público / publique / Öffentlichkeit / Oeffentlichkeit / publicité / publicidade / publicity / público


Öffentlichkeit has usually been rendered as “publicness” or “the public realm,” but in the present passage and in a few other occurrences “the open space of publicness” is used in order to alert the reader to the German term’s literal meaning of “openness,” to Heidegger’s theme in the present section and §§11-12, 18, and 26 that the today’s “open space of publicness” is that wherein Dasein “whiles” (see endnotes 3, 9, and 22), and to the connection in the present section and elsewhere between this quasi-spatial term and those of “being-there (for a while in the today’s open space of publicness),” “the there,” “initial givens which are closest to us” (Zunächst), and “to circumscribe” (umgrenzen). Note also that in the introduction to Part One Heidegger uses the verb “to open up (the there of Dasein)” (öffnen) and that in §2 he defines Aristotle  ’s term ἀλήθεια (“truth”) as “being there out in the open” (offen da seiend). For the later use of Öffentlichkeit in connection with the “disclosedness” (Erschlossenheit), “being-open” (Offensein), and “factical spatiality” of Dasein, see endnotes 62 and 75. [Buren  , nota 34 GA63  ]