Página inicial > Palavras-chave > Temas > bei / Beisein / dabei sein / Sein-bei / Sein bei / Schon-sein-bei-der-Welt

bei / Beisein / dabei sein / Sein-bei / Sein bei / Schon-sein-bei-der-Welt

bei / auprès de / Sein-bei / Sein bei / être-auprès / ser junto / being-together-with / estar en medio / ser-en-medio-de / dabei sein / assister / Schon-sein-bei-der-Welt / être-déjà-auprès-du-monde / être-déjà-après-le-monde / já-ser-junto-ao-mundo


Bei. As the passage at the start of this endnote makes clear, the preposition bei which is used with verweilen and aufhalten has the meaning of “at” or “in” in the sense of “bting-there-at-home-in” and “being-there-involved-in” (Da-bei-sein). Its meaning is thus close to that of the French chez (”at [someone’s home, place, etc.]).” In Being and Time   Heidegger explains that its original etymological meaning is that of “sich außalten bei” (”to sojourn at home in’). See San und Zeit, p. 73; Being and Time, p. 80. In their translation of Being and Time, Macquarrie and Robinson   use “alongside” for bei, but since this suggests a sense of detachment which is foreign to what Heidegger has in mind, I have not used it. When bei occurs as a technical term with the meaning explained above, it is rendered as “in,” “at home in,” or “among.” [Buren  :nota 9 em GA63  ]