Heidegger, fenomenologia, hermenêutica, existência

Dasein descerra sua estrutura fundamental, ser-em-o-mundo, como uma clareira do AÍ, EM QUE coisas e outros comparecem, COM QUE são compreendidos, DE QUE são constituidos.

Página inicial > Léxico Alemão > action


quarta-feira 13 de dezembro de 2023

We are still far from pondering the essence of ACTION [Handeln  ] decisively enough. We view ACTION only as causing an effect [Wirkung  ]. The actuality [Wirklichkeit] of the effect is valued according to its utility. But the essence of ACTION is accomplishment [Vollbringen  ]. To accomplish means to unfold something into the fullness of its essence, to lead it forth into this fullness – producere. Therefore only what already is can really be accomplished. But what “is” above all is being [Sein  ]. [McNeill  , GA9   145, CartaH]