Página inicial > Glossário > aporia


quarta-feira 24 de janeiro de 2024

A basic determination of a topic of a conversation [Gespräch  ], namely that it is aporian echon, follows as a basic condition for the discussion [Erörterung  ] of a problem that aims at the exhibiting of definite concrete contexts in what is spoken about and of which evidence is given. The aspect of aporia is in itself related to a porein, “running”: speaking in the sense of exhibiting, being underway in exhibiting. porein has for its aim euporein, “coming-through-in-the-right-manner” [In-der-rechten-Weise  -Durchkommen] to that which is questioned. Accordingly, porein/aporein is a proaporein that forgoes in advance a euporein. In relation to legein  , it is deloun, “making manifest” [Offenbarmachen  ] that which is questioned. In relation to questioning itself, it is a mode of cultivating the question as such in the right way. Through the exhibiting of definite concrete characters of the matter in question, the end of examination becomes manifest, and through this it is possible to bring the examination onto the right track; and at the end of the examination it is possible to decide whether what is sought was found, whether what is set forth at the end of the examination is a concrete result. With Aristotle  , aporia is taken up and narrowed. That which falls to scientific investigation must have the character of an aporian echon, must have difficulties. This is the basic condition for something being a logou deomenon—and then protasis and próblema. [GA18  :162; GA18MT:109]