Página inicial > Glossário > Anspruch


quarta-feira 24 de janeiro de 2024

[sprechen  ]
ansprechen: apelar, dirigir-se a, solicitar
Anspruch   ®: exigência, reivindicação, apelo, pretensão, pronunciamento [F]
Freispruch ®: ilibação libertadora
Sprache (e): linguagem, língua
Spruch ®: sentença, dito [F]
Zuspruch ®: apelo, ressonância [F]
Zuspruch des Seins: ressonância do ser [GA5BD  ]
VIDE ansprechen

All this describes, however, the relation between Being [Sein  ] and its There [das Da  ]. What is the precise role of thought [Denken  ] in the process? It brings this relationship to fulfillment. If we consider this fulfillment with reference to Being [Sein], thought [Denken] completes the process of non-concealment [Unverborgenheit  ] by bringing Being [Sein] into that form of manifestation [Offenbarkeit  ] that is most proper to the nature of man: language [Sprache], through which he says “is.” If we consider this fulfillment in terms of the There [das Da], thought [Denken] is that process by which ek-sistence [Ek-sistenz  ] assumes, therefore achieves, itself as the There [das Da] of Being [Sein]. From either point of view, the fundamental attitude of thought [Denken] will be one of acquiescence to Being [Sein], of responding (Entsprechung) to its appeal (Anspruch), of letting Being [Sein] be itself. [RHPT:21]