stehen, stand: estar, residir, estar de pé, ent-stehen, des-pontar, standing forth, rising up
O verbo alemão stehen significa tanto encontrar-se em algum lugar quanto estar de pé, estar levantado. (N.T. Casanova, GA6T2)
“Stand” connotes stable presence, and is the root word and the core notion in a family of related concepts that Heidegger draws on frequently. The word is central to Heidegger’s discussion of the history of metaphysics, often incorporated into the term denoting an epoch’s understanding of what it means, in very general terms, to be an entity. Starting with the Greeks, metaphysical thinkers have attempted to assign entities a constant, stable meaning that can guide human predictions and machination; metaphysical thinkers make entities stand. The ancient Greeks understand entities as standing forth or rising up (Ent-stehen), moderns understand them as an object (Gegenstand) standing against a subject, and technological thinkers understand them as standing by as resources or standing reserve (Bestand). (CHL)
VIDE: stehen
stehen: estar, residir, estar de pé
Bestand (r) / Bestandlose (s): consistência, fondo consistente / sem consistência, o que não tem consistência
Beständige (s): constante
Beständigkeit (e): constância, persistência, consistência
Beständigung (e): tornar persistente bestehen: consistir, ser constituído por, residir
Fort-bestehen (s): o continuar-a-persistir dastehen: estar aí, estar aí de pé
entstehen / Entstehung (e): surgir, vir a ser / surgimento entgegenstehen: confrontar-se erstehen: elevar(-se)
Gegenstand (r): objecto, o que se opõe (cf. Objekt)
Gegenständlichkeit (e): objectividade
Gegenständige (s): o objectual, o que há de objectual
Gegenständigkeit (e): objectualidade
innestehen: instar
Insichstehen (s): o estar-em-si
Inständigkeit (e): insistência
Stand (r) / Standort (r): posição / posto
Standhaftigkeit (e): imperturbabilidade
standhalten: resistir
Ständige (s): o carácter permanente
Ständigkeit (e): permanência
Vergegenständlichung (e): objectualização, objectivação
widerstehen / Widerstand (r): opor(-se) / resistência
zum Stehen bringen: deter (GA5BD)
ser-e-estar-de-pé (STMSC)
N.T.: O verbo alemão stehen significa tanto encontrar-se em algum lugar quanto estar de pé, estar levantado. (Casanova; GA6MAC:488)