
Zusammenhang, liaison, connexion, nexo, connection, context

«Cohérence articulée des représentations» (Vorstellungszusammenhang). C’est le mot Zusammenhang qui fait difficulté – pourtant facile à comprendre, même s’il est impossible à traduire à l’aide d’un seul mot. L’idée est celle de «pendre ensemble», ou plutôt, pour plusieurs choses diverses, de «dépendre mutuellement les unes des autres». Le seul mot de «cohérence» (comme le soulignent déjà Emout et Meillet) implique l’idée d’« être attaché fixement dans toutes ses parties», alors qu’au contraire Zusammenhang implique (si l’on ose dire) l’idée d’une cohérence dynamique, où le rapport des parties diverses ne cesse d’intervenir dans la position de chacune vis-à-vis de toutes les autres. Montaigne (L. III, chap. 9) connaissait encore le beau mot de colligance, pour nous désormais muet, où se disait ce lien réciproque qui fait dépendre les uns des autres chaque composant de ce qui, en entier, est un tout. (GA65FF:28)

“In man, there arises from μνήμη an ἐμπειρία; many μνῆμαι (of the same state of affairs) develop the possibility of a single ἐμπειρία, a single procedure.” (Met. I, 1, 980b28ff.) What is essential in ἐμπειρία is the retaining present of a determined connection of occurrences in a single affair. Aristotle later (981a7ff) introduces an example of ἐμπειρία from medicine, which we may take up now. If everyday experience devises a determinate remedy for a poor state of health, for a particular bodily state of man, then these remedies are at first unaccompanied by any real insight into the effective connection of the remedy with that which it is supposed to cure. What is understood is only that there is some connection or other, which we must designate as a connection of the presence of determinate occurrences. Schematically, this connection can be formulated in the following way: as soon as such and such a state sets in, then such and such a remedy must be applied; as soon as this, then that. There is no insight into what the state is, what the remedy is, or how the condition is cured; it is simply a matter of relieving the ailment. You see without further ado that this connection is a temporal one, and indeed at first a purely temporal one: as soon as … , then …. It is a matter here of a peculiar connection in the temporal Being of Dasein. Dasein’s making present, which is expressed in the “now,” appears here as the “as soon as:” as soon as … , then …. (GA19RS:49-50)

VIDE: Zusammenhang

connexion, cohérence, complexe d’outils, enchaînement (EtreTemps)
connection (BT)

NT: Zusammenhang : en dehors de deux emplois techn. très spécifiques : le complexe d’outils, l’enchaînement de la provenance du Dasein (au chapitre de l’historialité), ce mot, on le sait, appelle des trad. variées, comme : liaison, connexion, cohérence, etc. (EtreTemps)

NT: Connection (Zusammenhang): of time and the “I think,” 24, 427 (Kant); existential-existentiell c. between anticipation and resoluteness, 267, 302, 305, 309; of care and selfhood, 318; of attunement and understanding in ecstatic unity, 340; between being and truth, 213 (original), 349, 357, 420; of innerworldly beings with transcending world, 351-352; of in-order-to and for-the-sake-of in horizonal unity, 365; of spirit and body, 368; of life between birth and death, 372-390; of temporality, Dasein, and world time, 428; of time and spirit, 427-435 (Hegel). (Note: (Zusammenhang, a high-frequency word in German philosophy since Dilthey, in combination words is often translated hermeneutically as “context,” as in “causal context,” “life context” and “referential context.”) (BeingTIme)

Zeug, ao contrário do mero Vorhandenes, permanece unido de modo coerente, pertencendo a um mundo, primeiro ao mundo à nossa volta, o Umwelt, depois ao Welt, que lhe é ainda mais amplo. Heidegger usa diversos conceitos para caracterizar esta “coerência”, ou “conexão” (Zusammenhang). Um deles é Verweisung: “Na estrutura do ‘a-fim-de’ encontra-se uma referência (verweisung) de algo a algo” (SZ, 68). (DH)

Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro

Twenty Twenty-Five

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