
NT: Representado = vorgestellt: esse verbo tem aqui o sentido de: concebido como ideia. (CartaH)

1. ‘Er ist auch nicht auf Vorstellungen bezogen im Sinne des Vorgestellten, sofern damit gemeint wird ein “Bild” von dem realen Ding an der Wand.’ While we follow tradition in translating ‘Vorstellung’ as ‘representation’, the literal meaning is somewhat closer to ‘putting before us’. In this sense our ‘picture’ or ‘image’ (‘Bild’) of the actual picture (‘Bild’) on the wall, is itself something which we have ‘put before us’ and which is thus ‘vorgestellt’, though in English we would hardly call it ‘that which we represent’. (BTMR:260)

Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro

Twenty Twenty-Five

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