
Vieldeutigkeit, ambiguidade, ambigüedad, ambiguity, ambiguitée, plurisignificante, plurisignificancia, plurivocité, plurissignificância, Vieldeutige, Vieldeutigkeit

There are the following types.

1. Ambiguity of confusion arises when a word is being used in a certain way but still has various meanings that are already clarified, and these meanings are conflated through a lack of knowledge of the matter at issue. The ambiguity of confusion sets in subsequently and obscures that which came to light in explicit research.

2. Ambiguity can be, and can arise from, an inability to see certain concrete contexts in terms of their possible differences, from an insensitivity to difference in conceptual apprehension and determination.

3. Ambiguity can be the index for the fact that the scope of a word in its ambiguity arises from a legitimate relation to, a legitimate familiarity with, the matter; that the mutifariousness of meaning is demanded by the matter, an articulated manifoldness of distinct meanings; that the matter is such that it demands, from out of itself, the same expression but with various meanings. (GA18:22; GA18MT:17)

VIDE: Zweideutigkeit

VIDE: Vieldeutigkeit

Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro

Twenty Twenty-Five

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