
Verschulden, acte dont on répond, responder e dever, be indebted, owe, be guilty, be responsible for, be responsible to

VIDE: Verschulden

responder, responsabilizar

NOTE TRANSLATOR: 5. Das, was ein anderes verschuldet is a quite idomatic expression that here would mean to many German readers “that which is the cause of something else.” The verb verschulden actually has a wide range of meanings – to be indebted, to owe, to be guilty, to be responsible for or to, to cause. Heidegger intends to awaken all these meanings and to have connotations of mutual interdependence sound throughout this passage. (QCT, 7)

NOTE DU TRADUCTEUR: 1. Verschuldet, est coupable de, porte la responsabilité de. Schuld, à la fois faute et dette, se rattache à sollen (« devoir ») qui réunit originellement les deux sens de commettre (une infraction) et d’être tenu (des conséquences). (GA7, 13)

Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro

Twenty Twenty-Five

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