
Verfassung, Konstitution, constitution, constituição, constituición, Existenzverfassung, constitución-de-existencia

Konstitution = Verfassung, mais avec un sens plus « statique ». (Martineau)

El Dasein se determina cada vez como ente desde una posibilidad que él es, y esto quiere decir, a la vez, que él comprende en su ser de alguna manera. Éste es el sentido formal de la constitución existencial del Dasein. («de la constitución existencial del Dasein»: literalmente, en alemán, «der Existenzverfassung des Daseins», es decir, de la constitución-de-existencia del Dasein.) (SZ:43; STRivera:65)

VIDE: Bewandtnis

VIDE: Verfassung

constitution (ETEM)
constitution (BTJS)

Verfassung en Seinsverfassung y Grundverfassung generalmente se traduce como “constitución”, pero éste es un término husserliano y, por lo tanto, desorientador en este contexto. Preferimos usar constructo o composición (makeup).

NT: Constitution (Verfassung, Konstitution), 8, 12, 13, 17, et passim; of being (Seinsverfassung), 10, 12-13, 15-16, 20, 53-58, 191-193, et passim; a priori (fundamental) existential, 53-58, 133-134, 138-139, 145-149, et passim; temporal, 346: analyses of, 47 n. 2, 48; constitutive factors (moments), 41, 53, 92, 113, 131, 144, 146, 162-163, 172, 180, 190, 193, 236, 253, 260, 271, 299, 309, 316, 328, 362-363, 376. See also Construction (Konstruktion); Existentials (Existenzialien); Structure (Struktur); Whole (Ganze) (BTJS)

NT: ´Wesensverfassung´. ´Verfassung´ is the standard word for the ´constitution´ of a nation or any political organization, but it is also used for the ´condition´ or ´state´ in which a person may find himself. Heidegger seldom uses the word in either of these senses; but he does use it in ways which are somewhat analogous. In one sense Dasein´s ´Verfassung´ is its ´constitution´, the way it is constituted, ´sa condition humaine´. In another sense Dasein may have several ´Verfassungen´ as constitutive ´states´ or factors which enter into its ´constitution´. We shall, in general, translate ´Verfassung´ as ´constitution´ or ´constitutive state´ according to the context; but in passages where ´constitutive state´ would be cumbersome and there is little danger of ambiguity, we shall simply write ´state´. These states, however, must always be thought of as constitutive and essential, not as temporary or transitory stages like the ´state´ of one´s health or the ´state of the nation´. When Heidegger uses the word ´Konstitution´, we shall usually indicate this by capitalizing ´Constitution´. (BTMR)