
unbezüglich, absolu

VIDE: unbezüglich

absolu (ETEM)
non-relationl (BTJS)

NT: Relation (Beziehung, Bezug, Verhältnis): as such, 77-78, 87-88 (Relation); between caller and called, 274; between phenomenon and logos, 54, between intellectus and res, 216; between ideal content and real object, 216; Between ideal content and act of judgment, 216; between knowing and known, 218; between statements and beings uncovered, 224; between sign and reference, 82; between man and the world, 57; between soul and world, 59; between life and death, 249 n. 6 (Dilthey); Da-sein’s relationship to itself, 125, 433; Da-sein’s relationship to others, 120, 250; agreement as a, 215-216; binding and separating as, 195; indicating as a, 215; reference as a, 77-78; spatial, 54, 112; of being, 54-55; 57, 60, 62, 122, 124-125; 168, 170, 208 n. 16, 209-210, 238; of relevance, 355, 359, 361; ‘relation’ as a meaning of logos, 32, 34, 159-160; non-relational (unbezüglich), 250-260, 263-265, 280, 307, 309, 337; in the later marginal remarks (=fn), (Verhältnis) of being-held-into the nothing of being (Seyn), 7fn; Bezug, 12fn, 38fn, 143fn, 240fn. See also Behavior; Connection; Directing itself toward; Existence; Intentionality; It is concerned in its being about … (BTJS)

4. ‘unbezügliche’. This term appears frequently throughout the chapter, and, as the present passage makes clear, indicates that in death Dasein is cut off from relations with others. The term has accordingly been translated as ‘non-relational’, in the sense of ‘devoid of relationships’. (BTMR:294)

Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro

Twenty Twenty-Five

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