
überlassen, deixar, abandonar, abandonner, estar abandonado, Überlassenheit, abandon, abandono, abandonment, being left

Abandonment (Uberlassenheit, being left): to oneself, 141, 192, 277, 308, 347, 365; to one’s own null basis, 348; to one’s having-been, 365; to having made a choice, 384; to definite possibilities, 270; to one’s thrownness, 345; to the disposal of the they, 193; to the world, 172, 412, to a ‘world’, 356, 406, 412-413; to the past, 386. See also Anxiety; Lostness; Thrownness (Kisiel; pg. SZ)

abandon to oneself

Only an entity for which in its Being this very Being is an issue, can be afraid. Fearing discloses this entity as endangered and abandoned to itself. Fear always reveals Dasein in the Being of its “there”, even if it does so in varying degrees of explicitness. (M&R; SZ:141)

The abandonment of Dasein to itself is shown with primordial concreteness in anxiety. (M&R; SZ:192)

What is it that so radically deprives Dasein of the possibility of misunderstanding itself by any sort of alibi and failing to recognize itself, if not the forsakenness (Verlassenheit) with which it has been abandoned (Überlassenheit) to itself? (M&R; SZ:277)

The indefiniteness of death is primordially disclosed in anxiety. But this primordial anxiety strives to exact resoluteness of itself. It moves out of the way everything which conceals the fact that Dasein has been abandoned to itself. (M&R; SZ:308)

The making-present (gegenwärtigen) does not ‘leap away’ (entspringen; abspringen) from the awaiting in such a manner, as it were, that it detaches itself from that awaiting and abandons it to itself (if we understand this ontically). (M&R; SZ:347)

The schema in which Dasein is disclosed to itself in a state-of-mind as thrown, is to be taken as that in the face of which it has been thrown and that to which it has been abandoned. This characterizes the horizonal schema of what has been. In existing for the sake of itself in abandonment to itself as something that has been thrown, Dasein, as Being-alongside, is at the same time making present. (M&R; SZ:365)

abandon to one’s own null basis

While Dasein can indeed be brought authentically face to face with its thrownness, so as to understand itself in that thrownness authentically, nevertheless, this thrownness remains closed off from Dasein as regards the ontical “whence” and “how” of it. But the fact that it is thus closed off is by no means just a kind of ignorance factually subsisting; it is constitutive for Dasein’s facticity. It is also determinative for the ecstatical character of the way existence has been abandoned to its own null basis. (M&R; SZ:348)

VIDE: überlassen

abandonné (EtreTemps)

El autor, como lo hace frecuentemente, utiliza una familia de palabras sobre la raíz ‘lassen’, dejar o hacer, que crea un contexto de sentido, entre ‘überlassen’: ceder, dejar, abandonar, entregarse; ‘verlassen’: abandonar, desocupar, desamparar; ‘einlassen’: dejar o hacer entrar, introducir, insertar; ‘entlassen’: despedir, licenciar, en el que los prefijos ‘über’, ‘ver’, ein’ y ‘ent’ orientan la singularidad de sentidos. (N. de la T.) (GA69)

Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro

Twenty Twenty-Five

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