
Stätte, site, sítio, sede, sitio, asentamiento, paraje, placement

A site (Stätte) is a place that grants or allows something in its presencing. The use of the term draws attention to the giving of a place for something rather than the gathering or opening of place as such (the latter being associated with place in the sense of Ort/Ortschaft — “site” is also distinct from place as mere position, Platz). Typically a site is a site for “dwelling” (hence Wohnstätte — etymologically Stätte is related to Stadt, meaning “town”), and so can also be referred to as “abode.” “Site” is one of the terms that signals Heidegger’s increasing turn to questions of place and space in the period after Being and Time (especially in the post-war thinking). Appearing as a philosophically significant term from the mid-1930s onward, “site” appears in various contexts: as the site for the happening of truth (GA5:49/ 36-37); as the “site of the abode of human history” that is the “city” (polis) (GA53:101-02/82); and as the “site” that allows for the fourfold (GA7:156/151). (CHL)

estância e circunstância (EssaisConf)

Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro

Twenty Twenty-Five

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