
Ort, Ortschaft, Örtlichkeit, lieu, lugar, location, locus, localidade, locality

In summary, a first understanding of the concept of place can be acquired if we keep in mind that place has a δύναμις: ἐχει τινά δύναμιν. Place is the possibility of the correct appurtenance of a being. The correct appurtenance refers to that presence which belongs to beings as such according to their objective constitution. It belongs to fire to be above, to the earth to be below. The beings of the world, as “nature” in the largest sense, have their place. Place belongs in each case to the being itself and constitutes the possibility of the proper presence of the being there where it appertains. This possibility is not intended as empty conceptual (logical) possibility, as arbitrariness, such that it would be left freely to the body to be here or there, but instead the δύναμις is a possibility which is determinately prescribed and which always harbors in itself a direction. This determinateness of δύναμις belongs to the τόπος itself. Δύναμις is understood as an ontological basic category. The possibility is itself a being. Place is something belonging to beings as such, their capacity to be present, a possibility which is constitutive of their Being. The place is the ability a being has to be there, in such a way that, in being there, it is properly present. (GA19RS:75)

(…) the thinking after Being and Time replaced the expression “meaning of being” with “truth of being.” And, in order to avoid any falsification of the sense of truth, in order to exclude its being understood as correctness, “truth of being” was explained by “location of being” (Ortschaft)—truth as locality (Örtlichkeit) of being. This already presupposes, however, an understanding of the place-being of place. Hence the expression topology of be-ing (Topologie des Seyns), which, for example, one finds in Aus der Erfahrung des Denkens; also see the text edited by Franz Larese: “Die Kunst und der Raum.” (GA15, tr. Mitchell & Raffoul, “Four Seminars”)


Ort (r): sítio, lugar (C) (cf. Stelle, Stätte)
Erörterung (e): comentário, enquadramento, discussão, explicitação
Ortschaft (e): localidade (GA5BD)
lugar (GA7)
lieu (ETEM)
location, locus, place (BTJS)

NT: Location, locus, place (Ort): to begin the leap into Da-sein, 214fn; location or place of Da-sein, 132, 299, 368, 417; location of the objectively present, 54, 361-362; spatial location, 54, 119, 132, 299, 416-418, 428 (Aristotle); change of place, 91, 97, 389; locative adverbs, 119; place of time in a system, 428-429; place of language, 166; place of the problem of history, 375; place of the problem of historicity, 377; locus of truth, 33, 154, 214, 226. See also Leeway; Place; Spatiality (BTJS)

O antigo significado de nossa palavra “fim” (Ende) é o mesmo que o da palavra “lugar” (Ort): “de um fim a outro” quer dizer: “de um lugar a outro”. O fim da Filosofia é o lugar, é aquilo em que se reúne o todo de sua história, em sua extrema possibilidade. Fim como acabamento quer dizer esta reunião. (MHeidegger – O fim da filosofia e a tarefa do pensamento, p. 96)