pro-dução (GA7)
pro-duction (GA7)
traer-ahí-delante (QCT)
bringing-forth (QCT)
Arte: o trazer-a-emergir-diante (Her-vor-bringen) requerido no acontecimento de apropriação da clareira do encobrir-se – do pôr a coberto no formado (Ge-bild). (Borges-Duarte; GA5BD:7)
NOTE TRANSLATOR: 9. The full gamut of meaning for the verb hervorbringen, here functioning as a noun, includes to bring forth or produce, to generate or beget, to utter, to elicit. Heidegger intends that all of these nuances be heard. He hyphenates the word in order to emphasize its adverbial prefixes, her- (here or hither) and vor- (forward or forth). Heidegger elsewhere makes specific the meaning resident in Her-vor-bringen for him by utilizing those prefixes independently. Thus he says (translating literally), “Bringing-forth-hither brings hither out of concealment, forth into unconcealment” (cf. below, p. 11); and-after identifying working (wirken) and her-vor-bringen – he says that working must be understood as “bringing hither-into unconcealment, forth-into presencing” (SR 161). Because of the awkwardness of the English phrase “to bring forth hither,” it has not been possible to include in the translation of her-vor-bringen the nuance of meaning that her- provides. (QCT, p 10)
Hervorbringendes Veranlassen = faire-venir pro-ducteur. dévoilement en mode de poiesis (GA7 31)
Pro-duction traduit le mot Her-vor-bringung. Bringen c’est porter, conduire dans le lieu où ce qui est porté a sa place. Her indique une révélation, au sens où ce qui est porté dans son lieu, provient d’un autre lieu où il était retiré (par exemple au regard). Vor signale une présentation où ce qui est présenté vient en avant, se produit. Il faut donc comprendre la pro-duction comme éclosion, à partir d’un retrait, de ce qui se présente dans le rayonnement de son essence propre. (BA1987:N. d. T.)