
possession, acquisition, avoir (EtreTemps)
having (BT)

NT: Having, possession (Habe(n), translation of ousia), 58fn, 95 (being), 233 (whole being of Dasein), 351 (something); meaning, 151, 154, 324, 361; time, 404, 409-410, 418-419, 422, 425. See also Fore-having (BT)

NT: “Having” (“Haben” in scare quotes): its environing world, 57-58, 58fn; a history, 378, 382, 417 (BT)

Habe (die): «posesión». Heidegger introduce Habe por primera vez en las lecciones del semestre de invierno de 1921-1922 y vuelve a utilizar el término en el Informe Natorp (1922) para traducir el significado originário de ousia: «hacienda», «propiedad», «bien». (GA61, p. 112; NB, p. 35.) (LHDF)

Habe (ousia as property, possessions of house-and-hold) – The “had” as property possessed is first introduced in GA61 as the original sense of ousia, stemming from its usage in everyday Greek. It becomes a kind of formal indication of the ousiological element in life and thought into BT. (Kisiel)

Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro

Twenty Twenty-Five

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