fürchten, prendre peur, avoir peur, ter medo, temer, fear about, atemorizarse, Fürchten selbst
«atemorizarse ante (algo)»: en alemán, Sichfürchten vor. Nosotros hemos destacado el «se» del atemorizarse, para destacar explícitamente que el «temer por» es siempre medial, es decir, implica siempre la propia existencia como aquello por lo que se teme. (Rivera; STRivera:Notas)
VIDE: fürchten
fürchten: avoir-peur, prendre peur (ETEM); be afraid (BTJS)
NT: fürchten (sich) : prendre peur (prendre la peur pour soi, en quelque sorte, cf. § 30). (ETEM)
NT: Be afraid (sich furchten), 140-142, 186, 189, 341-342. See also Angst; Fear (BTJS)
1. ‘Das Worum die Furcht fürchtet, ist das sich fürchtende Seiende selbst, das Dasein.’ While it is convenient to translate ‘das Worum der Furcht’ as ‘that which one fears about’, this expression must be taken in a narrower sense than one would ordinarily expect in English. What Heidegger generally has in mind is rather the person on whose behalf or for whose sake one fears. (Cf. our remarks on ‘um’ in note 1, H. 65, and note 2, H. 69 above.) Thus ‘fürchten um’ comes closer to the ordinary meaning of ‘fear for’ than it does to that of ‘fear about’. We shall soon see, however, that Heidegger also uses the expression ‘fürchten für’, for which ‘fear for’ would seem to be the natural translation. Notice that what he then has in mind – namely, our fearing for Others – is only a special case of ‘fearing for’ in the ordinary English sense, and likewise only a special case of what we shall call ‘fearing about’ in this translation. (BTMR)