
ouvrir (ETEM)
disclosure (BTJS)

NT: Mot appertenant au vocabulaire de la mise en lumière phénoménologique (ETEM)

NT: erschliessen : ouvrir. – C’est toujours en écho à l’Erschlossenheit que ce verbe est employé : il convient donc d’en apercevoir toujours la valeur techn., par opp. à la simple idée d’ouvrir un accès à ou des horizons sur. (ETEM)

NT: Disclosure (Erschliessen), 10, 12-13, 20, 26, 38-39, 50, 67, 86-87, 124-125, 129, 134-141, 144-146, 148, 151, 156, 162, 169-170, 162, 185, 188, 191, 256, 308, 341, 358, 396, et passim; is understanding, 86-87, 142-153, 170, 263, 265, 305. See also Understanding (BTJS)

Schliessen significa “fechar, cerrar, trancar etc.” e também “inferir”, “concluir” i.e., ligar em pensamento algo ao que o precede. O prefixo ent- indica oposição ou separação. Assim, entschliessen significava originariamente “abrir, destrancar”. No século XVI o reflexivo sich entschliessen passou, no entanto, a significar “decidir, tomar uma decisão”, i.e., “abrir a mente, esclarecer, definir os pensamentos” (DGS, 90). O particípio passado entschlossen era usado para “determinado” e Entschluss para “decisão, resolução”. Erschliessen, “descobrir, abrir”, e também “inferir”, “concluir” (cf. SZ, 75, 315), vem de schliessen-, er-, “fora, adiante”, possui aqui uma função similar a ent-. Porém, erschliessen significa ” descobrir”, não “decidir”. (DH)

1. In ordinary German usage, the verb ‘erschliessen’ may mean not only to ‘disclose’ but also – in certain constructions – to ‘infer’ or ‘conclude’ in the sense in which one ‘infers’ a conclusion from premisses. Heidegger is deliberately ruling out this latter interpretation, though on a very few occasions he may use the word in this sense. He explains his own meaning by the cognate verb ‘aufschliessen’, to ‘lay open’. To say that something has been ‘disclosed’ or ‘laid open’ in Heidegger’s sense, does not mean that one has any detailed awareness of the contents which are thus ‘disclosed’, but rather that they have been ‘laid open’ to us as implicit in what is given, so that they may be made explicit to our awareness by further analysis or discrimination of the given, rather than by any inference from it. (BTMR)

2. ‘Sinn “hat” nur das Dasein, sofern die Erschlossenheit des In-der-Welt-seins durch das in ihr entdeckbare Seiende “erfüllbar” ist.’ The point of this puzzling and ambiguous sentence may become somewhat clearer if the reader recalls that here as elsewhere (see H. 75 above) the verb ‘erschliessen’ (‘disclose’) is used in the sense of ‘opening something up’ so that its contents can be ‘discovered’. What thus gets ‘opened up’ will then be ‘filled in’ as more and more of its contents get discovered. (BTMR)

Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro

Twenty Twenty-Five

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