
Ernst, serious, sério, ernsthafter, Ernsthaftigkeit, seriedade, seriousness, σπουδαῖον, spoudaion

This double meaning of having is to be kept in view, and the latter is meant when the discussion is, in this case, one of ύπάρχειν τέλος σπουδαῖον. (Met. Δ 16, 1021 b 23 sq.) The τέλος is there “in a serious manner,” (»In ernsthafter Weise«) is had “in a serious manner,” by which it is not meant that someone is addressed as “serious,” (Ernst) σπουδαῖος, whenever they have an angry look. Σπουδαῖος designates the mode of being-there (Dasein) in which I am serious about a matter, that is, not making a game of it — being with a matter, taking it up in such a way that everything rides on it. The matter about which I am serious need not be something extraordinary. Indeed, the less extraordinary that about which one is serious is, the less possibility there is for deception (Täuschung) about one’s seriousness. Σπουδαῖον is a determination of the how (Bestimmung des Wie): a possibility of one’s being (Sein) must be taken seriously. (Met. Δ 16, 1021 b 23-25.)

VIDE: Ernst

Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro

Twenty Twenty-Five

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