Entsprechung, Entspruch, correspondence, correspondência, correspondentia, τίσις, tisis
How we need to take the counter-concept (Gegenbegriff), δίκη, is thereby already expressed: compliance (Fug) (cf. also “with full compliance” (mit “Fug und Recht”), as we say). Compliance: that which incorporates something, which provides the cadre for something and which has to accommodate this something. None of the usual notions of justice, judgment, penalty, and recompense (Recht, Gericht, Strafe, Vergeltung) may be admitted here; and so also the third concept, τίσις, cannot immediately be translated as “retribution” (Busse) or “atonement.” (Sühne) Instead, τίω originally means “appreciate,” take the measure of something in its relation to something else, determine whether and how it corresponds to something else. Therefore we will translate not with “retribution” (“atonement”), but with “correspondence.” (Entspruch) Whereas δίκη—compliance—emphasizes the belonging together as such, τίσις brings out the respective measuring off of the correspondence. It is clear that this meaning of τίσις supersedes its meaning as retribution and atonement, and it is just as clear that there is no necessity or even possibility to speak automatically of retribution upon encountering the word τίσις. (GA35RR)
VIDE: Entsprechung