
des-encobrir, des-ocultar, des-velar (GA40)
dévoiler (GA7)
dé-celer (GA40)

NOTE TRANSLATOR: 10. The verb entbergen (to reveal) and the allied noun Entbergung (revealing) are unique to Heidegger. Because of the exigencies of translation, entbergen must usually be translated with “revealing,” and the presence of Entbergung, which is rather infrequently used, has therefore regrettably been obscured for want of an appropriate English noun as alternative that would be sufficiently active – in meaning. Entbergen and Entbergung are formed from the verb bergen and the verbal prefix ent-. Bergen means to rescue, to recover, to secure, to harbor, to conceal. Ent- is used in German verbs to connote in one way or another a change from an existing situation. It can mean “forth” or “out” or can connote a change that is the negating of a former condition. Entbergen connotes an opening out from protective concealing, a harboring forth. For a presentation of Heidegger’s central tenet that it is only as protected and preserved-and that means as enclosed and secure-that anything is set free to endure, to continue as that which it is, i.e., to be, see “Building Dwelling Thinking” in Poetry, Language, Thought, trans. Albert Hofstadter (New York: Harper & Row, 1971), p. 149, and cf. p. 25 below.
Entbergen and Entbergung join a family of words all formed from bergen -verbergen (to conceal), Verborgenheit (concealment), das Verborgene (the concealed), Unverborgenheit (unconcealment), das Unverborgene (the unconcealed)-of which Heidegger makes frequent use. The lack of viable English words sufficiently numerous to permit a similar use of but one fundamental stem has made it necessary to obscure, through the use of “reveal,” the close relationship among all the words just mentioned. None of the English words used-“reveal,” “conceal,” ..unconceal”-evinces with any adequacy the meaning resident in bergen itself; yet the reader should be constantly aware that the full range of connotation present in bergen sounds for Heidegger within all these, its derivatives. (QCT, p 11)

Un renovado estudio de los tratados aristotélicos (en especial, del noveno libro de la Metafísica y del sexto libro de la Ética Nicomaquea) entregó la visión del aletheuein como desocultar (entbergen) y la caracterización de la verdad como desocultamiento Unverborgenheit), a que todo mostrarse del ente pertenece. (NT: Los estudios aristotélicos a que se refiere Heidegger, y que están acreditados por su propia enseñanza en Freiburg y Marburg, se extienden desde 1921 a 1924. La comprensión de aletheia como desocultamiento se configura por primera vez a fines de 1922, en la traducción de textos de la Etica Nicomaquea.) Cierto es que se piensa demasiado poco o incluso nada, cuando se contenta uno con la constatación: Heidegger concibe la verdad como desocultamiento. Como si con la aletheia no compareciese recién de modo liminar y aproximado lo propiamente digno de pensar. Tampoco ayuda al asunto proponer, en vez de “desocultamiento”, la traducción “desolvido” (Unvergessenheit). Pues el “olvido” tiene que ser pensado a la griega, como retirada (Entzug) en el ocultamiento. De modo correspondiente, el fenómeno contrario del olvidar, el recordar, tiene que ser interpretado a la griega: como procuración, como solicitación de lo desoculto. La anamnesis de las ideas de Platón quiere decir: el volver-a-tener-visión, el desocultar, a saber, el ente en su aspecto. Heideggeriana: CartaPrologo

Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro

Twenty Twenty-Five

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