
Einheit, Ein-heit, unité, unidade, unidad, unity, μονάς, monas

Μονάς, the unit — related to μόνον, “unique,” “alone” — is what simply remains, μένειν, what is “alone,” “for itself.” In the case of the point, a θέσις is added, (…) “What is in no way divisible according to quantity are the point and the μονάς; the latter, however, is without θέσις, the point with θέσις.” (Met. V, 6, 1016b29f.). (…)

Both are οὐσία, something that is for itself. The στιγμή, however, over and against the μονάς, is marked by a πρόσθεσις; in the στιγμή there resides a θέσις in a preeminent sense. What is the meaning of this θέσις which characterizes the point in opposition to the μονάς? A thorough elucidation of this nexus would have to take up the question of place and space. (GA19RS:71-72)

VIDE: Einheit


NT: Unity (Einheit): of analogy, 3; of being-in-the-world, 53, 351; of being-outside-of itself, 430 (Hegel); unity of care, 181, 316, 327-328, 351; of Da-sein’s constitution, 200; of Da-sein’s existential structure, 351; of experiences, 390; of horizontal schemata, 365; of the I, 433 (Hegel); of living-through, 47 (Scheler); of meaning, 48 (Scheler); of nature, 144; of the person, 47-48 (Scheler); of project, 407; of relations, 354; of significance, 365; of spatiality, 104; of the structural whole, 317, 325 of temporality, 339-340, 365-366, 369, 408, 423; of temporalizing, 354, 427; of the there, 366; of things of nature, 48; of the world, 364; ecstatic unity, 328, 338-340, 342, 346, 349-350, 353, 355, 363 n. 22, 365, 381, 408, 421, 423; of future and having-been, 397; of making-present and retentive awaiting, 355, 416; of the ontic and the historical, 403; of the reference of serviceability and the reference of indicating, 78; of thrownness and being-towards-death, 374; unitary phenomena, 53, 151, 181, 326; unitary structures, 130-131, 192; of places, 104fn. See also Ecstatic Unity; Sum; Whole (BT)

Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro

Twenty Twenty-Five

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