
Einebnung, nivellement, nivelamento, leveling down

Einebnung, Nivellierung, aplanamiento, nivellement, arasement, nivelación

Einebnung : nivellement (trois occurrences) On trouve plus fréquemment Nivellierung et le verbe associé : nivellieren. (ETJA)

Leveling off (nivellieren) names a general tendency to make phenomena accessible by reducing them to terms familiar to the common understanding. It is closely related to leveling down (einebnen), in which outstanding or exceptional features of certain phenomena are assimilated to average and well-known cases.

Both of these modes of interpretation are driven by the anyone (das Man). The anyone flees from the burdens of authentic existence, and in fleeing it levels off phenomena that disclose the authentic structure of existence. Further, the anyone tends to construe all possibilities in terms of an average understanding that is shaped by public norms. To exist as the anyone is not to be exceptional in any way that would challenge these norms, and in its concern for averageness the anyone levels down such exceptional features. “Every kind of priority gets noiselessly suppressed. Overnight, everything that is primordial gets glossed over as something that has long been well known. Everything gained by a struggle becomes just something to be manipulated. Every secret loses its force” (SZ 127). Since fleeing and the concern for the averageness of existence largely coincide, leveling off and leveling down typically coincide, and the two terms often appear to be synonymous. The literal meaning of the terms is also very close. Both terms mean bringing something down to a lower level. (Colloquially, nivellieren can also mean “dumbing down.”) Nivellieren derives from the Latin root of level via the French niveau, while einebnen comes from the German Ebene, which means plane. (CHL)

nivellement (EtreTemps)

A medianidade terá Einebnung, “nivelamento”, a uniformização das distinções. Não podemos ser medianos, se o que é medianamente esperado está além do alcance da maioria. (DH)

A preocupação da mediania desvenda uma nova tendência essencial do Dasein por nós denominada o nivelamento de todas as possibilidades-de-ser. (SZ:127; STFC:365)


Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro

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