
Definition, définition, definição, definición, definition

O sentido formal de definição, portanto, é: determinar o objeto em seu ser-o-que-como; determinar adequado à situação e à apreensão prévia, que lança mão tomando da experiência fundamental a ser conquistada, interpelando o objeto. (Aqui, não temos tempo para finezas literárias da linguagem nem para desenvolver “belas” fórmulas. Na própria determinação já foram assumidas “expressões”, que posteriormente deverão ser esclarecidas.) (GA61EPG:27)

In the definition, the concept is to come to itself. The definition should yield a matter in such a way that it is represented and understood in the ground of its possibility, that I know whence it comes, what it is, why it is that. The genuine definition is that of the matter, the real definition. In the Middle Ages, genuine definition is the real and essential definition. It is genuine and is accomplished insofar as the basic procedure of definition is satisfied, insofar as one specifies the penultimate type or genus of an object, as well as its specific difference. Thus, for example, a circle is a closed, curved line (genus), on which every point is equidistant from the center (specific difference). Or, homo animal (genus) rationale (specific difference). (GA18:13; tr. Metcalf & Tazen, p. 11)

Genus and species are characteristics that determine every definition. However, they are not the only determining factors. These factors include the further moment of proprium and of differentia specifica as such. These aspects, which guide concept-formation, are called predicables or κατηγορήματα. (GA18:15; tr. Metcalf & Tazen, p. 13)

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