Begrifflichkeit, conceptuality, conceitualidade, conceptualité, conceptualidad
Why does the being of the being-there of human beings interest us? Why have we come back around to it? Because we discerned earlier that conceptuality points back toward the being-there of human beings. Conceptuality is a concern of a definite being-possibility of the being-there of human beings. Insofar as we want to grasp Greek conceptuality, we must make being-there intelligible and accessible to us, in its Greek, Aristotelian interpretation. (GA18:65; GA18MT:46)
VIDE: Begrifflichkeit
The conceptuality (Begrifflichkeit) and the sense (Sinn) of the concept (Begriff) depend on how one understands, in general, the question (Frage) concerning what something is, where this question originates (Ursprung). The concept yields what the object, the res, is in the explicitness (Ausdrücklichkeit) of the definition. (GA18:11)