
VIDE Bedeutung

Como existem em alemão duas palavras que são sistematicamente traduzidas por “significado” e “significante”, quais sejam, as palavras Bedeutung e bedeutsam, e como o autor se vale nesta passagem de dois termos compostos a partir do verbo bezeichnen (designar), nós optamos pela tradução dos dois termos sem levar em conta os correlatos diretos do texto saussuriano em francês (N.T.). (Casanova; GFOposi:271)

Heidegger said as much in his first course after the Great War. What is it, he wondered, that we immediately encounter in our lived experience? Do we meet beings? No. What we first encounter and always live with is the meaningful (das Bedeutsame) – that is what is first and immediately given to you without any mental detour through a conceptual grasp of the thing. When you live in the first-hand world (die Umwelt), everything comes at you loaded with meaning, all over the place and all the time. Everything appears within a meaningful context, and that context gives those things their meaning. (GA56-57:73.1-5)

By calling the immediate objects of experience “the meaningful” rather than employing the ontological term “beings,” Heidegger implies that the being of things is their meaning. Moreover, what makes things meaningful is their relatedness to human being as the only locus (Da) of sense or intelligibility (Sinn). (“Sinn ‘hat’ nur das Dasein , sofern die Erschlossenheit des In-der-Welt-seins durch das in ihr entdeckbare Seiende ‘erf ü llbar’ ist. Nur Dasein kann daher sinnvoll oder sinnlos sein ” (GA56-57:151.36–9).) CCHBT:383)

Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro

Twenty Twenty-Five

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