
Ausrichtung, direcionar, direccionar

Orientierung N.p.c. Ausrichtung, qui a son contexte propre. (Martineau)

Para remeter à dinâmica ontológica de constituição do espaço, que é própria da presença, Ser e tempo formou dois termos: Ent-fernen = dis-tanciar e ausrichten = direcionar. Com ambos, pretende ressaltar que a espacialidade da presença não é mera posição estática num espaço imóvel e absoluto em sua estrutura, mas que o espacial e o espaço da presença é uma abertura e instalação de espaços. (Schuback, STMS:Nota 32)

VIDE: Ausrichtung

Ausrichtung – SZ §§ 23,70
direcionamento (GA7)
orientation (ETEM)
directionality (BTJS)

VIDE Ent-fernung

NT: Directionality (Ausrichtung), 79, 102, 105, 108-111, 120, 132, 157, 299, 335, 368-369; as “orientation,” 96fn. See also De-distancing; Nearness; Orientation; Spatiality (BTJS)

2. ‘Die ausgerichtete Nähe des Zeugs…’ The verb ‘ausrichten’ has many specialized meanings – to ‘align’ a row of troops, to ‘explore’ a mine, to ‘make arrangements’ for something, to ‘carry out’ a commission, etc. Heidegger, however, keeps its root meaning in mind and associates it with the word ‘Richtung’ (‘direction’, ‘route to be taken’, etc.). We shall accordingly translate it as a rule by some form of the verb ‘direct’ (which will also be used occasionally for the verb ‘richten’), or by some compound expression involving the word ‘directional’. For further discussion, see H. 108 ff. below. (BTMR)

Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro

Twenty Twenty-Five

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