
ansprechen: apelar, dirigir-se a, solicitar
Anspruch ( r ): exigência, reivindicação, apelo, pretensão, pronunciamento (F)
Ansprechung: claim, interpelação, addressing
Freispruch ( r ): ilibação libertadora
Sprache ( e ): linguagem, língua
Spruch ( r ): sentença, dito (F)
Zuspruch ( r ): apelo, ressonância (F)
Zuspruch des Seins: ressonância do ser (GA5BD)

All this describes, however, the relation between Being (Sein) and its There (das Da). What is the precise role of thought (Denken) in the process? It brings this relationship to fulfillment. If we consider this fulfillment with reference to Being (Sein), thought (Denken) completes the process of non-concealment (Unverborgenheit) by bringing Being (Sein) into that form of manifestation (Offenbarkeit) that is most proper to the nature of man: language (Sprache), through which he says “is.” If we consider this fulfillment in terms of the There (das Da), thought (Denken) is that process by which ek-sistence (Ek-sistenz) assumes, therefore achieves, itself as the There (das Da) of Being (Sein). From either point of view, the fundamental attitude of thought (Denken) will be one of acquiescence to Being (Sein), of responding (Entsprechung) to its appeal (Anspruch), of letting Being (Sein) be itself. (RHPT:21)

Anspruch, «apelación» en el sentido de «exigencia» o «demanda» dirigida al hombre y a la que este debe corresponder (gehören). De una manera general, pues, la «apelación» reclama la «escucha» (Gehör) de lo dicho en la «sentencia» (Spruch), pues en ella accede a la palabra el imperativo del origen (Ursprung) en tanto lo inicial (Anfänglich). En este caso, la apelación es lo que nos dicen los mismos conceptos-fundamento en la interpelación que nos dirigen. (GA51ES:NT)

Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro

Twenty Twenty-Five

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