
Andenken, remémoration, rememoração, recalling

When I forget the umbrella at the hairdresser, what is that? I did forget taking the umbrella with me, but not the umbrella. I omitted it I did not think of it. I was just concerned with something else. Therefore, here forgetting is a privation of having thought of something. Here, memory (is understood as) recalling something (Andenken) .1 (GA89:212; tr. Mayr & Askay)

VIDE Denken

andenken = pensar da lembrança (GA7)
an-denken = pensar sobre (GA6T2:402)

Si la pensée, en se souvenant de ce qui a été (das Gewesene), laisse à celui-ci son essence et n’altère pas son règne en le portant hâtivement au compte du présent, alors nous découvrons que ce qui a été, par son retour dans l’Andenken, s’étend par delà notre présent (Gegenwart) et vient à nous comme un avenir (ein Zukünftiges). Brusquement, l’Andenken doit penser ce qui a été comme quelque chose de non-encore-déployé (als ein Nochnicht-Entfaltetes).. Cf. aussi SvG, p. 107 (147). (AHolderlin 127; apud Zarader 27)

NT: memória = Andenken: essa palavra se compõe do verbo, denken (pensar) e da preposição, an (em, ao lado de, junto a), dai seu sentido corrente de recordação, lembrança. Heidegger o toma em sua acepção originária de pensar em. É também esse o significado originário de memória. (CartaH)

Pensar a partir do ser ainda não significa: de volta ao ser, pensá-lo de maneira rememorante (an-denken) em sua verdade. O ser permanece impensado naquele pensamento que, enquanto o pensamento metafísico, é tomado como sendo o pensamento puro e simples. O fato de o ser mesmo permanecer impensado na metafísica enquanto tal é um permanecer impensado de um tipo insigne e único. (GA6T2:546; tr. Casanova:264)

The structure of this process (of letting Being be itself) will take the form of a re-collection (Andenken): the tri-dimensional process by which Being (Sein) comes (“future” (Zukunft)) to the thinker (Denker) in and through what already-has-been (“past” (Gewesenheit)) and is rendered manifest (“present” (Gegenwart)) by the words that the thinker himself formulates. Such, too, is the structure of the thought-ful (Denkend) dialogue. Profoundly a temporal process (future-past-present), foundational thought (wesentliche Denken) is by this very fact historical, sc. thinks Being-as-history (Seinsgeschichte) in continual advent to thought (Denken) through its dialogue with the past. Furthermore, thought (Denken) thinks not only Being-as-history (Seinsgeschichte) (inter-mittence), but (22) thinks every mittence (Geschick) of Being (Sein) in its negativity, as well as in its positivity, endeavoring to comprehend and express not what another thinker thought (Denken)/said (Gesagte), but what he did not think (Denken)/say (Sagen), could not think (Denken)/say (Sagen), and why he could not think (Denken)/say (Sagen) it. (RHPT:21-22)

  1. See ibid., p. 116: “In actual fact, I have forgotten neither the umbrella itself nor the possibility of taking it along. Forgetting (not recalling), as it is used here, simply refers to the fact that something is no longer considered thematically in its presence, though it remains unthematically present. The mode of being present to me has changed.”—translators