
Andenken, remémoration, rememoração, recalling

VIDE Denken

andenken = pensar da lembrança (GA7)
an-denken = pensar sobre (GA6T2:402)

Si la pensée, en se souvenant de ce qui a été (das Gewesene), laisse à celui-ci son essence et n’altère pas son règne en le portant hâtivement au compte du présent, alors nous découvrons que ce qui a été, par son retour dans l’Andenken, s’étend par delà notre présent (Gegenwart) et vient à nous comme un avenir (ein Zukünftiges). Brusquement, l’Andenken doit penser ce qui a été comme quelque chose de non-encore-déployé (als ein Nochnicht-Entfaltetes).. Cf. aussi SvG, p. 107 (147). (AHolderlin 127; apud Zarader 27)

NT: memória = Andenken: essa palavra se compõe do verbo, denken (pensar) e da preposição, an (em, ao lado de, junto a), dai seu sentido corrente de recordação, lembrança. Heidegger o toma em sua acepção originária de pensar em. É também esse o significado originário de memória. (CartaH)

The structure of this process (of letting Being be itself) will take the form of a re-collection (Andenken): the tri-dimensional process by which Being (Sein) comes (“future” (Zukunft)) to the thinker (Denker) in and through what already-has-been (“past” (Gewesenheit)) and is rendered manifest (“present” (Gegenwart)) by the words that the thinker himself formulates. Such, too, is the structure of the thought-ful (Denkend) dialogue. Profoundly a temporal process (future-past-present), foundational thought (wesentliche Denken) is by this very fact historical, sc. thinks Being-as-history (Seinsgeschichte) in continual advent to thought (Denken) through its dialogue with the past. Furthermore, thought (Denken) thinks not only Being-as-history (Seinsgeschichte) (inter-mittence), but (22) thinks every mittence (Geschick) of Being (Sein) in its negativity, as well as in its positivity, endeavoring to comprehend and express not what another thinker thought (Denken)/said (Gesagte), but what he did not think (Denken)/say (Sagen), could not think (Denken)/say (Sagen), and why he could not think (Denken)/say (Sagen) it. (RHPT:21-22)

Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro

Twenty Twenty-Five

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