(…) De acordo com Ser e tempo, “sentido” designa o âmbito projetivo, e, em verdade, com uma intenção própria, em sintonia com a questão única acerca do “sentido do ser”, a clareira do ser que se abre e se funda no projetar. Esse projetar, contudo, é aquele que no projeto jogado acontece apropriativamente como aquilo que se essencializa da verdade.
(…) According to Being and Time, “meaning” designates the realm of projection, designates it in accord with its own proper intent (that is, in accord with its unique question concerning the “meaning of Being”), as the clearing of Being, the clearing that is opened and grounded in projection. Such projection is that in the thrown project which propriates as the essential unfolding of truth.
(…) »Sinn« nennt nach »Sein und Zeit« den Entwurfsbereich, und zwar in eigentlicher Absicht (gemäß der einzigen Frage nach dem »Sinn des Seins«) die im Entwerfen sich öffnende und gründende Lichtung des Seins. Dieses Entwerfen aber ist jenes, das im geworfenen Entwurf als Wesendes der Wahrheit sich ereignet.