GA21:228 – possibilidade existencial


As long as existence is, it is always in a specific mode (Modus). But that means that existence is not set, once and for all, in just one specific mode that would exclude any ability to be otherwise. Properly this means that whenever existence behaves in a particular way, that way remains only one possible way of behaving. Existence can, in principle, give up that first way and enter upon a different way of behaving. Therefore, “possibility” is a determination that belongs in principle to the modes of comportment, and this possibility does not disappear when a particular comportment is de facto chosen and lived out.

In this more detailed interpretation of comportments we also encounter difficulties insofar as the concept of possibility has up until now gone entirely unclarified in scientific philosophy. And to the degree that it has been clarified, the explanations typically only go as far as possibility in the modal sense, where it is seen in the context of statements and of the certitude that can accrue to them. In that case, the idea of possibility is seen in connection with actuality and necessity as determinations of being, i.e., the being of nature in the broadest sense. The meaning of possibility and the kind of structures of possibility that pertain to existence as such have been entirely closed off to us until the present. Therefore the explication of existence constantly runs up against difficulties because it refuses from the start to conduct investigations into the issue by making any use of traditional concepts.



Excertos de

Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro

Twenty Twenty-Five

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