GA20:325-326 – Dasein e “eu”


Let us further recall that this entity which we call Dasein, thus designating it more appropriately by a pure expression of being, is the entity which I myself am in any given time. Belonging to this being, called Dasein, is the temporal particularity of an I which is this being. When we ask about this entity, the Dasein, we must at least ask, Who is this entity?, and not, What is this entity? It is therefore a matter of defining the who of this being. With this formulation, we have first of all at least terminologically avoided the danger of understanding it as a thing which is on hand. The word ‘I,’ in the meaning in which we first immediately understand it in an average way, is thereby left undefined. The more open we leave this word, not relating it directly to a ‘subject’ and the like, the less burdened the term remains and the more opportunity we then have to fix it more rigorously by way of the phenomena themselves. The answer to the question of the who of this entity, which we ourselves in each instance are, is Dasein. (p. 236-237)



Excertos de

Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro

Twenty Twenty-Five

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