
Seinscharaktere, caractères d’être, caracteres-do-ser, caracteres-de-ser, characteristics of being, being-characters

We will take Chapter 8 of Book 5 of the Metaphysics as the basis of orientation concerning the being-characters that Aristotle’s research into being (Seinsforschung) exhibits. We will consider the being-characters enumerated there, with a view toward whether and how the sense of being (Sinn von Sein) that we have discovered in the customary meaning of οὐσία, namely, “household,” (Hausstand) in any mode also speaks in these being-characters; also whether various aspects of beings in the sense of characteristic beings that are there (Daseienden), come to expression in the being-characters, in the way that the estate, the household is initially and for the most part there in a pressing manner. We are questioning being-characters to see whether they are also characters in the sense of the there (Sinne des Da). (GA18:29-30; GA18MT:22)

VIDE: Seinscharaktere