empenho (SZ)
être-exposé-à (EtreTemps)
being out for (BT)
Nota da Tradutora: Manteve-se empenho para traduzir a expressão de Dilthey “Aussein auf” (= ser e estar fora, em busca de). (SZ 325)
NT: C’est la même notion que dans erschlossen ou offen : être ouvert à une proposition, par exemple, s’y intéresser, et, en ce sens, s’« exposer ». (EtreTemps)
NT: Being out for … (Aussein auf … ), 195, 210, 261-262. See also Directing oneself toward (BT)
Aussein auf (being out toward) – First mentioned in Oct. 1922 (p. 6) to specify the directedness involved in caring, how it moves and is moved (p. 49). Related to the Aristotelian-scholastic concept of intentionality in GA63, the resolution of the “ins” and “outs” of the intentional movement is tentatively explored (GA63:70, 86, 98f.). The unfinished character that it gives to the wholeness of Dasein, always “out toward what it is not but can be,” is juxtaposed with death’s finish first in November 1924. This provides the key, in the closing weeks of GA21, in shaping the formal indication of ex-sistence, central to the final draft of BT (March 1926), transforming its sense in the direction of the pure possibility of ek-static temporality. (Kisiel)