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quarta-feira 24 de janeiro de 2024

We are now investigating conceptuality and its indigenous character by going back from definitio as technical instrument to ὁρισμóς, “limitation.” Ὁρισμóς is a λóγος, a “speaking” about something, an addressing of the matter “itself in that which it is,” καθ᾿ αὑτó. A λέγειν καθ᾿ αὑτó: the matter “in itself,” and only it, is and should be addressed. Thus the ὁρισμóς is determined as οὐσία  ς τις γνωρισμóς. Γνωρισμóς means: “making known with . . . ,” “making familiar with . . . ,” presenting a matter. Ὁρισμóς is making one familiar with a being in its being. What does λóγος ουσίας say? (1) λóγος, (2) ουσία? [GA18  :17]

Ὁρισμóς: “circumscription,” “delimitation.” Ὁρισμóς: λóγος ουσίας. What is meant by λóγος, by οὐσία, by λóγος ουσίας? By clarifying that, we will find the indigenous character of the concept. [GA18:19]