Página inicial > Glossário > Wahrnis


quarta-feira 24 de janeiro de 2024

bewahren   / Bewahrung (e): resguardar / o resguardar
gewahren: perceber, notar
verwahren: preservar, guardar
Wahre (s): o verdadeiro
wahren   / Wahr (e): guardar, preservar a descoberto [F] / o domínio do que se preserva a descoberto [F]
wahrhaft: verídico, veraz, verdadeiramente
wahrnehmen: percepcionar, tomar como verdadeiro
Wahrnis (s): salvaguarda [GA5BD  ]
veri-ficação [EssaisConf]

"Safekeeping" translates the noun   Wahrnis, which is unique to Heidegger. Wahrnis is closely related to the verb wahren (to watch over, to keep safe, to preserve), integrally related to Wahrheit   (truth), and closely akin to wifhren (to endure) and gewahren (to be surety for, to grant). On the meaning of Wahrnis, see T 42, n. 9 and n. 12 above. [QCTechno]