Página inicial > Glossário > Seinscharaktere


quinta-feira 6 de julho de 2023

Seinscharaktere  , caractères d’être, caracteres-do-ser, caracteres-de-ser, characteristics of being, being-characters

We will take Chapter 8 of Book 5 of the Metaphysics as the basis of orientation concerning the being-characters that Aristotle  ’s research into being [Seinsforschung] exhibits. We will consider the being-characters enumerated there, with a view toward whether and how the sense of being [Sinn von Sein  ] that we have discovered in the customary meaning of οὐσία, namely, “household,” [Hausstand] in any mode also speaks in these being-characters; also whether various aspects of beings in the sense of characteristic beings that are there [Daseienden], come to expression in the being-characters, in the way that the estate, the household is initially and for the most part there in a pressing manner. We are questioning being-characters to see whether they are also characters in the sense of the there [Sinne des Da]. (GA18  :29-30; GA18MT:22)

VIDE: Seinscharaktere