Página inicial > Glossário > Aneignung


domingo 27 de janeiro de 2019

Aneignung  , Ereignung  , Eignung, Zueignung, appropriation, apropriação, apropiación, enownment, owning, coming-into-its-own, adjudicación, owning-to

Ποίησις and πρᾶξις   are two possibilities that, perhaps, only designate two distinct modes of appropriation. [GA18  :189]

To appropriation [Aneignung] έκ διδασκαλίας belong ἐμπειρία   and χρόνος  . [Eth. Nic. Β 1, 1103 a 15 sqq.] [GA18:190]
The whole question of self-habituating must be seen from the look of the possibility on which appropriation depends. It depends on being-resolved at each moment, and on the appropriating of the moment [Augenblick  ]. [GA18:191]

VIDE: Aneignung

appropriation [EtreTemps  ]