In Being and Time Heidegger blurs—and thereafter rarely observes—the distinction between Entdecktheit (the dis-coveredness of things) and Erschlossenheit (the dis-closedness or openedness of the clearing).1 I choose to translate both terms by “disclosedness” or “openness,” or sometimes, when it is a matter of things, as “availability.” All of these terms refer to intelligibility. I use “intellect” in the broad sense of νοῦς as well as in the specific sense of λόγος understood as discursive intellect in correlation with worlds of significance and their contents. I use “intelligible” to mean “accessible to intellect” whether in theory, practice, enjoyment, or whatever.
Sheehan (2015:xvii) – Entdecktheit – Erschlossenheit
- Kisiel & Sheehan (BH) – Estrutura da Obra
- Kisiel & Sheehan (eds.) – Becoming Heidegger
- Sheehan (1974:138-139) – energeia e ergon
- Sheehan (1995) – a “clareira” do e para o ser, die Lichtung
- Sheehan (1995) – Befindlichkeit, Verstehen e Rede
- Sheehan (2003:114) – Interpretações do ser do ente
- Sheehan (2015:11-12) – a questão não é o ser, mas a inteligibilidade
- Sheehan (2015:12-13) – Aristóteles entende as coisas como fenômenos
- Sheehan (2015:135-136) – ex-sistência
- Sheehan (2015:136-139) – Aí [Da]