
connaissance de soi

NT: Self- (Selbst), some important compounds: self-consciousness (Selbstbewusstein), 401 (Yorck), 435 (Hegel); self-forgetful (selbstvergessen), 277, 322, 342, 354, 424; self-interpretation (Selbstauslegung), 51, 116, 184, 196-197, 200, 312, 318; “self-knowledge” (Selbsterkenntnis), 146; self-point (Selbstpunkt), 146, 179; self-thing (Selbstding), 323; self-subsistence, autonomy (Selbständigkeit), 291-292, 303, 332; self-constancy (Selbst-ständigkeit), 322-323, 332, 373. See also “It is concerned in its being about. ..”; Understanding-itself (BTJS)

1. ‘ “Selbsterkenntnis” ’. This should be carefully distinguished from the ‘Sichkennen’ discussed on H. 124-125. Perhaps this distinction can be expressed – though rather crudely – by pointing out that we are here concerned with a full and sophisticated knowledge of the Self in all its implications, while in the earlier passage we were concerned with the kind of ‘self-knowledge’ which one loses when one ‘forgets oneself’ or does something so out of character that one ‘no longer knows oneself’. (BTMR)

Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro

Twenty Twenty-Five

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