Relation (Beziehung, Bezug, Verhältnis): as such, 77-78, 87-88 (Relation) between caller and called, 274; between phenomenon and logos, 54; between intellectus and res, 216; between ideal content and real object, 216; Between ideal content and act of judgment, 216; between knowing and known, 218; between statements and beings uncovered, 224; between sign and reference, 82; between man and the world, 57; between soul and world, 59; between life and death, 249 n. 6 (Dilthey); Dasein’s relationship to itself, 125/ 433; Dasein’s relationship to others, 120, 250; agreement as a, 215-216; binding and separating as, 195; indicating as a, 215; reference as a, 77-78; spatial, 54, 112; of being, 54-55; 57, 60, 62, 122, 124-125; 168, 170, 208 n. 16, 209-210, 238; of relevance, 355, 359, 361; ‘relation’ as a meaning of λόγος, 32, 34, 159-160; non-relational (unbezüglich), 250-260, 263-265, 280, 307, 309, 337; in the later marginal remarks (=fn), (Verhältnis), of being-held-into the nothing of beyng (Seyn), 7fn; Bezug, 12fn, 38fn, 143fn, 240fn. See also behavior; connection; directing itself toward; existence; intentional!ty; it is concerned in its being about… (BT)