Project(ing) (Entwurf, entwerfen), 100fn (as ecstatic temporality), 145-151,147fn, 174, 181, 199, 221-223, 235, 260, 262-263, 277, 284-285, 295, 297, 301-302, 311fn (pre-ontological), 312-315, 3244327, 325fn (existentiell and existential), 330, 336-338, 360, 362-363 (mathematical), 372, 375fn (phenomenological construction as), 383, 385, 392-394, 437, et passim; as thrown, 144-145, 148, 181, 223, 276, 285, 406; of Dasein, 270, 277, 284, 313, 363, 385, 394, 406; of Dasein’s being, 145, 147, 195, 324; of existence, 325, 372; of being-in-the-world, 147; of authentic being-towards-death, 237, 260-267 (§ 53); of anticipation, 266-267; of resoluteness, 385; of understanding, 148, 151, 174, 265, 324; of possibilities, 298, 312, 383, 394; of a potentiality-of-being, 148, 305, 336, 365; of a meaning of beinbeing in general, 235; of relevance, 353; of a world, 195, 394; of nature, 362-363; of the primary ‘then’, 409; of historicality, 376; of the idea of historiography, 393; upon its “upon-which,” 151, 324-325; upon possibilities, 145, 147-148, 181, 187, 194-195, 222, 263, 270, 284, 295, 297, 299, 312, 315, 339, 383, 385, 387, 394; upon a potentiality-of-being, 194, 262-263, 265, 277, 287, 306, 313, 334, 343, 385, 406; upon a “for-the-sake-of-itself,” 327; upon significance, 145, 147, 151; upon the world, 151; upon meaning, 151, 324; upon being, 312, 393; upon one’s being-guilty, 296-297, 301, 305, 382, 385; upon one’s potentiality for becoming guilty, 287, 306; existential, 301, 305, 323, 376, 383; ontological, 302, 309, 312, 393; understanding, 314-315; self, 276, 287, 382-383, 385-386, 387; resolute, 386; thrown, 148, 223, 285; null, 285, 287-288; inauthentic, 339; factical, 297. See also anticipation; disclosedness; meaning; possibility; potentiality of being; understanding (BT)