Looking (Hinsehen, Hinsicht): sight of theoretical behavior, 7, 33, 61 + fn, 69, 73, 79, 112, 119, 135, 138, 141, 149, 158, 220, 264, 335-336; 357; “just” looking, 69, 336, 351; away, 119, 261-262, 347, 424; around,. 336, 358. (“in view of…” (in Hinsicht auf, hinsichtich …), 200 (world, being-in, and self), 231-232 (its being primordially interpreted), 304 (their totality, unity, and development), 310-312 (its authenticity and wholeness), 324 (its upon-which), 325 (its existence), 335 (its temporal meaning), et passim). See also circumspection; light; science; sight (BT)