Zeit geben

donner du temps
giving the time

NT: Time (Zeit): as the horizon for the understanding or interpretation of being, 1, 17, 39, 41, 235, 437; the ordinary way to understanding or interpreting time, 18, 235, 304, 326, 328-329, 338 n. 3, 404-437 (ILVI; esp. §81); traditional conception of, 18, 24, 235, 349, 428, 432 n. 30; everyday experience of, 333, 405, 420; primordial and derivative, 329-332, 405, 426, 436; and care, 235, 327, 424; and the they, 425; and idle talk, 174; and space, (see entry under ‘space’); and history, 379, 404-405; and spirit, 405-406, 428-436 (§ 82), 427; allowing time, (Zeit-lassen), 404, 409-410, 414; assigning time, (Zeit angeben, Zeitangabe), 408-410, 413, 418, 422; counting time, 421-422; dating time, 408-409, 412, 413, 415, 417, 422; expressing time, (Zeit aussprechen), 406-408, 410-411, 421-422; giving the time, (Zeit geben), 412-413, 420, 422, 432 n.30; having time, (Zeit haben), 404, 409-410, 418-419, 422, 425; interpreting time, 407-414; levelling down time, 329, 405, 422, 424-426, 431-432, 432 n. 30, 435; losing time, 404, 410, 418, 425; measuring, 71, 413-419, 417 n. 4, 422; reading off (Zeit ablesen), (tell time, 70), 415-417; taking time, taking one’s time, (sich Zeit nehmen), 404-405, 410-413, 416, 418, 421, 424-425; using time (Zeit brauchen), 235, 333, 409; taking care of time, 353, 406-420 (§ 79, 80), 422; time-reckoning, 235, 333, 411-412, 414-418 n. 5; reckoning with time, 235, 333, 371, 404, 411-413, 422; taking time into one’s reckoning, 371, 404-405, 411, 413; ‘time goes on’, 330, 425; ‘time passes away’, 330, 425-426; time as finite, endless, in-finite, 330-331, 424-426; as continuous, 423; as irreversible, 426; stream of time, 426, 432; course of time, 400, 422, 432 n. 30; point of time, (Zeitpunkt), 374, 407; ‘past’, 380; ‘fugitive’, 425; ‘qualitative’, 333; ‘psychical’, 349; ‘subjective’ or ‘objective’, 326, 405, 411, 419, 427; “immanent” or “transcendent,” 326, 419; “time for … ,” 412, 414; in time (in der Zeit) 18-19, 204, 330, 338, 338 n.3, 340-341, 349, 355, 367, 373-374, 376, 379, 381-382, 404-405, 412, 419-420, 425, 428, 435; timeless, 18, 156, 382; nowtime, (Jetzt-Zeit), 421, 423, 426; world-time (Weltzeit); 405-406, 414, 417, 417 n. 4, 417 n. 5, 419-423, 426-428, 428-436(§ 82); Aristotle on, 26, 40, 42, 427, 427 n. 14, 432 n. 30; Augustine on, 427, 427 n. 15; Bergson on, 18, 26, 333, 432 n. 30; Hegel on, 405-406, 427, 428-436 (§ 82), 432 n. 30; Hyginus on, 338 n. 3; Plato on, 423; the being of time, 406, 419, 432. See also Leeway; Space: Temporality; Within-time-ness (BT)

Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro

Twenty Twenty-Five

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