Welt Bringen

Welt Bringen, genesis, gênese, trazer ao mundo, bringing into the world, dar à luz, procriação, procreation, Fortpflanzung, reprodução, reproduction

ἧς ἐστὶν ἔργα γεννῆσαι καὶ τροφῇ χρῆσθαι (De Anima, B 4, 415 a 25 seq.). “That which comprises this possibility as accomplishment is procreation and τροφῇ χρῆσθαι.” In χρῆσθαι (chresthai), the relation to the world comes to expression, just as the things of the world are addressed by the Greeks as χρήματα (chremata). φυσικώτατον γὰρ τῶν ἔργων τοῖς ζῶσιν, ὅσα τέλεια καὶ μὴ πηρώματα, ἢ τὴν γένεσιν αὐτομάτην ἔχει, τὸ ποιῆσαι ἕτερον οἷον αὑτó, ζῷον μὲν ζῷον, φυτὸν δὲ φυτóν, ἵνα τοῦ ἀεὶ καὶ τοῦ θείου μετέχωσιν ᾗ δύνανται (De Anima B 4, 415 a 26 sqq.). “This being-possibility (Seinsmöglichkeit) of bringing into the world is one that belongs most genuinely to the mode of being of living things (Weise des Seins des Lebenden), to produce (herzustellen) another, and precisely in the way that it is, in the mode of its own living, an animal as an animal, a plant as a plant, so that it partakes in being-always (Immersein) and in divinity (Göttlichen) to the extent that its being-possibility allows this.” Bringing into the world is a determinate mode of being, namely the one that is oriented by the basic idea of being in the Greek sense. In reproduction (Fortpflanzung), a living thing maintains itself in its being by bringing another of its kind into the world. The mode of reproduction is the living thing’s type of always-being-there (Immer-Daseins) since being, for the Greeks, means being-present (Gegenwärtigsein), namely, always-being-present. This passage shows that μετέχειν τοῦ θείου does not mean standing in some religious relation to God. It shows that θεῖον (theion) has nothing to do with religion, but is instead a paraphrase of the concept of being in the mode of being-always (Weise des Immerseins). Translating θεῖον as “religiousness” is a pure invention. (GA18:112; GA18MT:77)

LÉXICO: Genesis

Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro

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